House Cleaning

End of tenancy cleaning is essential

If you’re a landlord, you’ll probably have experienced a wide range of tenants in your time. If you’re lucky, your tenants may be the most clean and house proud people around, but on the other hand they could be the type that appear to be allergic to house cleaning altogether!

When your tenants move on to […]

By |May 28th, 2010|House Cleaning|Comments Off on End of tenancy cleaning is essential

Neglecting your house cleaning can have disastrous results

Even if you lead a really busy lifestyle and barely have five minutes to yourself, you still need to look after your home.

Nobody wants to live in a house that resembles a pig sty, although if you neglect your house cleaning for long enough it won’t be long before your home starts to resemble one!

However […]

By |May 27th, 2010|House Cleaning|Comments Off on Neglecting your house cleaning can have disastrous results

You don’t need to struggle with cleaning up after your house party

There’s nothing like having a good old get together with all of your closest friends and neighbours and really letting your hair down in the comfort of your own home.

However, it’s shocking at just how much mess a few bottles of wind and a few nibbles can make, and the prospect of having to clean […]

By |May 24th, 2010|House Cleaning|Comments Off on You don’t need to struggle with cleaning up after your house party

Temporary house cleaning solutions

Most of us know just how easy it is to let the state of our homes get a little out of control. Trying to juggle a demanding job with an active social life, in between trying to keep yourself fit at the gym could mean that your house cleaning efforts are pushed firmly to the […]

By |May 21st, 2010|House Cleaning|Comments Off on Temporary house cleaning solutions

Stop struggling with domestic cleaning, London professionals are here to help

There are a number of reasons which can lead to untidiness building up in a home- a busy lifestyle, illness and a large family are just some of the factors that can contribute.

The thing about neglecting domestic cleaning is that leaving it for just a short period can mean that mess builds up extremely quickly- […]

By |May 20th, 2010|House Cleaning|Comments Off on Stop struggling with domestic cleaning, London professionals are here to help